February 20, 2012 at 11:39 am
This week we?re going to take you on a walking tour of our vendors who offer meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products and seafood at the market.? As with all of our food vendors, the Audubon Park Community strives to offer products that are humanely produced to the most sustainable standards possible.? You will find a large variety of these products at the market every week.? Here?s a little walking tour of what?s available now:
As you come through the main entrance, head straight past the Big Wheel food truck and look for Bear Wolf Ranch on your right.? Jodi Anderson raises chickens ?the old fashioned way,? in a pasture where they are free to forage and ?behave like real chickens.?? You?ll find cornish-cross and heritage breed chickens at her booth, and Jodi will be able to tell you all about them.? If you love the product, you might be interested in joining the 12-week chicken CSA that Bear Wolf has begun to offer.
After you visit Jodi, continue down the same row and stop by the Heart of Christmas Farms booth at the corner.? Here you?ll find raw goat?s milk and cheeses (for pet use) straight from the farm.? Heart of Christmas is also an authorized seller for Deep Creek Ranch in DeLeon Springs and Nines Mine Ranch in St. Cloud, FL.? Both farms are part of? Growing Synergy, a sustainable food and agriculture distributor here in Florida, and have been carefully vetted by management at the Audubon Park Community Market.? Offerings include grass-fed beef and lamb.? Richard from Heart of Christmas can tell you all about any of the products he is carrying.
Fresh seafood from Wild Ocean
Right next to Heart of Christmas to your left), you?ll find the Wild Ocean Seafood booth.? Wild Ocean is a family-owned market that specializes in local, wild-caught seafood.? They are our local shrimp experts and their staff can probably answer any question you can think of about local seafood and how to properly prepare it.? Wild Ocean is a supporter of Slow Food?s Slow Fish campaign, which encourages seafood eaters to diversify their palates and buy from small-scale fisherman, in order to protect the ocean and its populations.? With that in mind, the selection at Wild Ocean is constantly changing with the seasons, so you?ll never get bored with the selection.
Take a left from the Wild Ocean booth and head down the aisle to the Big Wheel Provisions Tent (on your right).? Chef Tony Adams works with local farmers to sell cuts of meat, charcuterie products, cheeses, and eggs.? He carries heritage breed, cruelty-free, antibiotic and hormone-free pork from Palmetto Creek Farm in Avon Park and from Pasture Prime in Ocala.? In addition to the cuts of meat, Tony makes his own charcuterie, including sausages, bacon, pastrami, and other products.? Big Wheel is also an authorized seller for Winter Park Dairy and Lake Meadow Naturals.? Winter Park Dairy is a local dairy in ? you guessed it ? Winter Park that produces premium cheeses.? Ask Tony about what the current selection is.? Lake Meadow Naturals is an egg and poultry farm in Ocoee.? Their heritage birds are fed a vegetarian diet, are not given hormones or antibiotics, and are raised in a stress-free environment.? At the Big Wheel booth, you will find fresh eggs (picked up at the farm each Monday morning) and poultry for sale.? Be sure to stop by and ask Tony about all the offerings at Big Wheel ? they?re changing all the time!
That concludes this week?s tour.? Next week, we?ll talk about dessert!
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Source: http://apmarket.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/walking-tour-2-meat-poultry-eggs-dairy-and-seafood/
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