I?ve never been a big golf guy.? I always preferred to play sports with a little more action like basketball, boxing and wrestling; however, I am apparently getting old.? More and more of my friends are taking up a set of clubs and playing the sport of gentry everywhere.? Besides not really liking the sport, I cringe when I hear how much money these guys are spending on their golf game.? It is also interesting for me to note that it seems like once people (mostly guys admittedly) get into golf, they talk about in the same tones that cocaine addicts use to talk about their preferred vice.
?If I could golf every day, I would.?
?I?m going to try real hard to get away from the wife and kids this weekend to go golfing.?
?If I could golf <insert hallowed course here> I could die happy.?
Do golf addicts have their own anonymous meetings?
Anyway, all this to say that I am increasingly feeling more and more pressure to take up the pastime.? I?ve been to a driving range on more than one occasion, and I?ve even played a couple rounds with buddies.? Every time, the best part was definitely the scenery and the beer.? Maybe I?m too logical, but can you fault me for coming to the conclusion that I could just go for a walk (I live in a beautiful area) with a beer and save myself the trouble of playing a game I don?t like?
?If You Consume Beer All Day Is It Still Exercise?
If it were merely the fact that I didn?t like golf, I could probably learn to appreciate some aspects of it.? For example, there are many times when I don?t like jogging, but I often get a ?runner?s high? from pushing myself, and I get the benefit of keeping my belly in check (kind of).? The larger issue for a young guy that is trying to establish a solid financial foundation to support an early retirement, is that a golf addiction may actually cost as much as the aforementioned cocaine addiction.
Here is a sampling of the costs that are associated with golf, and I?m sure this list isn?t even exhaustive since I really haven?t spent much time on a golf course:
-Clubs and Other Equipment
-Club Membership
-Greens Fees
-Travel Costs
-Clubhouse Meals
-Golf Cart Rentals/Purchase &?Maintenance
-Course Alcohol Prices
-Golf Lessons/Magazine Subscriptions
I have a hard time seeing how a summer of golf a couple times a week will cost less than $2,000.? If you are a teacher who becomes an addict and wants to golf every day, I assume it would cost a lot more than this.? On the flip side, I hear that most business deals get done on a golf course, so maybe that?s the trade-off?? My current strategy of asking potential business contacts to spar a couple rounds with me hasn?t been working so far, so maybe I should try hypnotizing myself into liking this goofy country club ?sport.?
Is golf an acquired taste?? Am I doomed to a life outside business circles because I subscribe to the great Mark Twain quote, ?Golf is a good walk ruined,??
Source: http://www.myuniversitymoney.com/golf-vs-cocaine-addiction.html/
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